SIG 551-2 (Serial # 1) Unfired
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SIG 551-2 (Serial # 1) – 5.56mm Nato (.223 Rem.) – VERY, VERY RARE – Sale Price: $39,995.00
SIG 551-2 (Serial # 1) Unfired
MODEL: 551-2 (Rare Serial #1)
CALIBER: 5.56mm Nato (.223 Rem.)
BARREL: 16in.
This is SIG 551-2, serial number 1. Unfired/test fired only by SIG. This rifle was in a private collection for 3+ decades and is the last rifle of a 30+ year SIG collection. Ultimately, it was decided to let this gem go. When it was originally purchased, the owner was told by the reputable source/seller, that it was on the SIG museum’s wall prior to the closing of the museum [the clear nail-polish over the engravings and serial number, supports this as a display firearm]. There were approximately (45) 551 rifles imported before the Bush Import Assault-Weapons ban in 1989 — making them one of the rarest commercial rifles of the type to have ever been imported to the United States. This is not one of those SIG imported rifles for retail sales.
As with anything production made, there is only a single #1 of anything. This is “that one” for Swiss SIG 551-2 rifles. It obviously shows its stunning Swiss heritage, engineering, and quality. Only the earliest imported rifles were all green, the later units being combos of gray-green-black. The 90-series SIG firearms are held in very high-esteem by all firearms manufacturers and serious collectors. You’re a fortunate person to have a Swiss SIG 551 of any sort, really fortunate if it’s one of the pre-ban imported rifles, and this is well — the lotto/grail of 551’s. This is not a “SAN” rifle, or cobbled ex-police, SBR rifle. This is also not a recent import being sold as a “pistol”. This is a new, true Swiss manufactured, pre-ban SIG 551-2 rifle. Serial # 1.
This firearm was purchased with a single magazine and nothing else. Over a period of time, a collection of correct factory-accessories was assembled.
Accessories included with this rifle:
- Original SIG 550/551 labeled Styrofoam-box and cardboard sleeve, in good condition.
- New cleaning kit.
- New sling.
- New loading-tool for stripper clips.
- 10 new, correct, SIG [not SAN or other later stuff] magazines. 20 and 30 round.
- SIG-marked cheek-rest. Good used condition.
- Correct brass deflector. Good used condition.
- Knurled-metal, knob-style, correct sight adjustment tool.
- New Swiss-Army knife, with sight adjustment tools.
- Sig diopter sight cover.
- New factory, SIG “trumpet” hard case. Very rare and great quality.
- New factory, SIG 551 soft-case. Very rare.
- New Swiss, SIG competition shooting hat with blinders.
- Very early, Swiss/B&T steel rail, for 90-series platform.
Also included is a small plethora of NOS, factory SIG and military paperwork, including multiple advertising and manuals.
This is a super rare opportunity to own such a firearm. How many #1 firearms will you have the opportunity to own, let alone such a desirable and high-quality piece? In today’s market for new and/or clean pre-ban firearms, this is a potential investment and true grail-piece for any collection.
Thank you for looking at this incredible firearm. This is listed for sale on multiple sites/venues. Additional images available.
Any and all questions pertaining to this rifle, should be directed to Al at 248-588-4488
Double Action Indoor Shooting Center & Gun Shop
32411 Dequindre Rd
Madison Heights, MI 48071